Author: Heather Tydings

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  • Rituals
  • Soul Level Self Care

In essence, I get the privilege of offering clients connection, safety, trust, and hope. My schooling taught a more removed way of interacting with clients, however, I found people heal and change from authentic connection. Education and clinical training are crucial but if a client doesn’t trust or connect with you, it’s more of a cerebral process, not a soul-deep one....

How I am Being Raised by Teenagers: *the one residing in my home and the many sitting in my office.* one of the greatest honors is to be let into the inner sanctum of a teen's heart. it often takes so much time to build trust, to be permitted to support and hold space for what they may deem the "bad and scary" parts of themselves. they have grown me up (or I should say are growing me up.) the pandemic was hard on our babes. many learned to soothe themselves from the isolation and fear on steady dose of TikTok, a high sugar diet, vaping and other behaviors that cut them off from themselves (as did many full fledged...

Go With Your Flow Our pelvis holds so much of our life. It is the seat of pleasure and pain, sexuality, pregnancy, orgasms, miscarriages, hysterectomies, and our moon cycles. The way we live during the month shows up in how we feel, the quality and quantity of our blood flow and how symptomatic or symptom free we are. When training as an Ayurveda Wellness Coach, I learned how much our monthly cycle reflects our met and unmet needs. When we live with stress, anxiety, high intensity and/or repression, we tend to have painful and emotional menstruation. Changing our relationship to our monthly menses by embracing it and using language that is honoring of it, can help change the patriarchal notion that women’s bodies...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column width="1/6"][/vc_column][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text] Healthy, Wealthy, Sexy & Wise By Heather Tydings for Sass Magazine Fall 2022 Most of us strive to move through our days feeling healthy and wildly abundant. Some of us even want to go beyond strong and prosperous, adding smart, bold, creative, spicy, gentle and/or captivating to those “feels.” It can be arduous to work, pay bills, raise children/pets, be present, engage blissfully in hobbies or launch our dream business when we don’t feel vital and alive in the skin we are in.  Our health is one of our most treasured and valuable resources. “When health is absent, wealth becomes useless,” the ancient Greek physician Herophilus once said. However, good health encompasses more than...

Aging Gratefully: Nourishing the Fountain of You{th} by Heather Tydings for Sass Magazine Summer 2022 Issue “Aging is no accident. It is necessary to the human condition, intended by the soul. We become more characteristic of who we are simply by lasting into later years; the older we become, the more our true natures emerge. Thus the final years have a very important purpose: the fulfillment and confirmation of one’s character.” ~ James Hillman At the beginning of the pandemic, I was just turning 47. Now, I’m marching into my 50th year of life and I see changes. Was it the mask? The weight of stress during the pandemic? The deeply felt vicarious grief of a nation that lost a million people and...

The steps to Badassery are not found in clinical textbooks. They come from my personal healing journey as well as from sitting with many clients who are desperately seeking ease, flow, freedom, connection, health, lightness, and purpose. ...

Celebration often creates an unspoken emotional bond between people, which meets our intrinsic desire for connection, collaboration and belonging; all things crucial for human fulfillment. Rituals, celebrations and rites of passage clearly mark life’s transitions....

Many of us are looking for ways to reconnect with ourselves; to tap into the sacred, quiet place inside and feel the stillness that is there. Mindfulness and meditation are two of the most loving and renewing things we can do for our mind, body, and spirit....

Discern whether the “winter blues” is a time to address unresolved issues that may surface or whether you may have a true blue diagnosis of SAD. It also offers ways to kick SAD symptoms naturally and/or when to seek medical support and advice....

Become your own {s}hero. Welcome to your class on Impost-Her Syndrome 101. In order to enroll, you must frequently feel paralyzed by fears that you will be exposed for not being as awesome as others think you are or as capable as your degree dictates....